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About Us
About Sajilo Net

Sajilo Net is a prominent Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Nepal, known for its reliable services and widespread coverage. Established with a vision to bridge the digital divide in the country, Sajilo Net has played a pivotal role in connecting communities, businesses, and individuals across Nepal.

We provides a range of internet solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. From high-speed broadband connections for homes and businesses to dedicated leased lines for corporate clients, the ISP offers a variety of plans designed to suit different usage patterns and budgets.

Additionally, Sajilo Net is known for its reliable connectivity, ensuring uninterrupted access to the internet for its subscribers.

Sajilo Net is a prominent Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Nepal, known for its reliable services and widespread coverage. Established with a vision to bridge the digital divide in the country, Sajilo Net has played a pivotal role in connecting communities, businesses, and individuals across Nepal.

We provides a range of internet solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. From high-speed broadband connections for homes and businesses to dedicated leased lines for corporate clients, the ISP offers a variety of plans designed to suit different usage patterns and budgets.

Additionally, Sajilo Net is known for its reliable connectivity, ensuring uninterrupted access to the internet for its subscribers.

Our Vision

Sajilo Net is a prominent Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Nepal, known for its reliable services and widespread coverage. Established with a vision to bridge the digital divide in the country, Sajilo Net has played a pivotal role in connecting communities, businesses, and individuals across Nepal.

Our Mission

We provides a range of internet solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. From high-speed broadband connections for homes and businesses to dedicated leased lines for corporate clients, the ISP offers a variety of plans designed to suit different usage patterns and budgets.